Friday, February 15, 2013

Happiness Explosion with Coke & Bench

I woke up this morning with my ritual of sipping my cup of coffee and enjoying my daily newspaper reading. To my surprise, three of my most favorite sources of news and lifestyle checks have the same glaring message: HAPPINESS.

Four familiar faces—most famous, at that—have their smiling faces plastered all over with a couple of things to say about their sources of happiness and the vow to share it among others. Enchong Dee (need I say more?), Julia Montes (I swear, we looked sooo much alike, years ago), Joseph Marco (one of my favorites), and Kathryn Bernardo (my alter-ego in terms and pants-size) have all rendered their services with a common cause: the spread of happiness.

Two of my favorite brands in the world (obvious ba? Read: posts haha) joined hands once again to show that even at times when atrocities and unending spread of “evil” has seemingly left us all jaded about this concept, happiness and sharing it among others is never overrated.

With the launch of the new Coca-Cola Share Happiness, Wear Happiness with Bench promo, the four happiness ambassadors have all gamely shared their view of what a happy standpoint would give us.

So there, I better hurry to the nearest grocery. Who knows, I might win my Bench goodies.

Update: Also, don't forget to check out these newly released TVCs! Cuteness!

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