Friday, January 13, 2012

Time Is Running: Running with Piolo and Coach Rio

In politics , you choose your running mate so that you can garner votes. Ultimate heartthrob and running advocate Piolo Pascual and the Philippines' top running expert and race organizer Coach Rio dela Cruz are running mates simply because they are at the top of their game.

"With Coach Rio, coaching is not just lip service. He really knows your training program, he doesn't intimidate you, he knows your limits, and he is tolerant. He has all the know-how, but most importantly, he wants you to keep running," Piolo enthuses.

As for Rio, he acknowledges that Piolo's presence has truly energized the running scene. "My goal is that each individual Filipino will make running part of their lifestyle.  So, it's a long battle, but Piolo has really helped. And imagine, we wake up and run, and it's so hard for us to do a 47 time for the 10K, and he did it for his first Timex run. So that's really inspiring." On a personal note, Rio reveals, "Piolo's kindness to everyone he meets really stays with me."

Just for fun, we riffed on the theme of time. And everybody had a good time.

Time flies ...
Piolo: When I am running.
Rio: And thinking.

I had the time of my life when ...
Piolo: I ran my first 10K.
Rio: My first time trial and I made it to the varsity team! Way back in 1996!

Time waits for no one so I ...
Piolo: Gotta value it.
Rio: Got engaged!

If I could put time in a bottle ...
Piolo: I'd seal it, then do everything I wanted, everything, then release it again.
Rio: I'll preserve it.

It's time to ...
Piolo: Run!
Rio: And be healthy!  That's true worldwide.

At the end of time ...
Piolo: We'll all experience eternity.
Rio: There will be happiness at the end of the finish line.

Why not ...
Piolo: run?
Rio: on the 22nd!

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